
2 Scholarships are awarded for participation in Basic and Advanced Course 

Candidates for the Scholarship may apply by themselves with a letter of recommendation of their national AMS or be proposed by the head of the national AMS.
Criteria are social need and special scientific interest in aviation medicine or scientific merits in this field. 

Proposals, including a Curriculum Vitae of the candidates should be sent to the following address until 1st of February at latest for the course starting in September: 

European School of Aviation Medicine
Frankfurt Airport Center 1, Geb. 234, HBK 16
D-60549 Frankfurt

The Scientific Advisory Council of the German Academy of Aviation and Travel Medicine will select 2 participants according to the selection criteria.


European School of Aviation Medicine
c/o Flymed Aeromedical Center
Main Airport Center (MAC)
Unterschweinstiege 8
D-60549 Frankfurt

Phone: +49 69 69716769